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Writer's pictureNoha Michael

The painful grief experience

Grief is an emotion that I know too well.......

It comes in waves.......

Sometimes harsh and powerful and sometimes in fragile, fine emotions that often leave a smile on our sad faces. A memory here, a warm fuzzy feeling there or an unforgetable strong bond that can never be replaced.

I have seen grief manifesting as anger bursts. Sometimes in rage that is present for years and years. Anger is expressed instead of experiencing and accepting pain in our lives. It is easier to express anger than to admit to being vulnerable, helpless and alone. People cling to what is easy and less complicated. Others deal with denial....

Denial that the loved one is gone...

Denial that there is an empty void space instead...

Denial that life can go on...Some refuse life itself..after their loved one has departed...

Life will then be frozen for a number of years ....

As if we are trying to freeze the moment and prevent life from continuing to happen.....

When we go against the flow....when we resist....when we refuse reality.....what a dangerous reality we create? Full of refusal and resistance...

The problem is resistance is extremely exhausting..for our minds, body and soul. We are meant to go with the flow of life, rather than against the flow of the universe. This is very difficult to do, when the loved one is gone without a word or in a sudden tragic accident. When the worst materializes grief sets in and life turns upside down. One can never relate to such tragic times, unless one has been through this tragic experience...

Only after many years have passed can we start to accept that grief is love. A big love inside of us. Living and thriving and never gone. Our hearts hold the love of loved ones gone.....

Their memories might fade away but the feeling remains...

Grief in its brightest form is love with no place to go...

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